Thursday, July 26, 2007

General Assembly 07

The 2007 General Assembly in Fort Worth is now history. For those who were tracking resolutions, all were passed.

Strong messages from Jill Wallis (Soujourners), Alan Roxburgh (Allelon) and Bill Lee (DOC moderator) got the attention of many who attended.

The missional theme is being picked up by more Disciples. The learning track for Congregational Transformation was attended by about 200 people.

I brought back several keynotes from the National Evangelism Workshop that are on DVD. We'll be posting titles when I return to the office on Tuesday.

The work before us all is clearer: we need to create contexts in which a passion for mission in the community can flourish and spiritual preparation is likely to happen. Many congregations may be further along than they realize and perhaps we can help with that.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Evangelism and Missional Church

I'm writing from Fort Worth where we concluded the National Evangelism Workshop and are about to begin the General Assembly of the Christian Church (DOC).

What struck me most about the keynotes and workshops is how clearly leaders call for Christ-followers to:

  • Become people with our own powerful (and credible) stories of being saved by Christ)
  • Get invested into the communities where the gospel story is foreign
  • Grow relationships with the "Samaritans" of our age
  • Reclaim the high priority that Jesus gave to multiplying disciples

I will bring back several DVD and book resources that you can borrow - not to tell you how to do evangelism - but to help kick-start fruitful reflection and action with your leaders.

In the coming weeks I will begin to address each of the points above and invite us to engage in conversation as colleagues. We've just got to become more faithful and effective evangelists - every one of us. Many are depending on us, including the One who entrusted us with the mission.
