Friday, April 13, 2007

On Roles and Relationships

How did it happen that over time we stopped being a tighly knit band of adventurous disciples and drifted into membership of religious corporations led by paid professionals?

Recent and decent histories of the Church in North America abound these days. I won't attempt to address the "How?" question here.

I'd rather focus on how to recover that sense of adventure and purpose, the collegiality and high mutual regard we all once enjoyed at some time on our pilgrim journey with Christ.

If you are reading this, you already have more than a passing interest in the quality and efficacy of your discipleship. Do you also have more than an occasional twinge of longing for connection with disciples who really believe that living the good news was the intent all along of our hearing it?

I'd like to propose a Fifth Sunday reunion of disciples of Jesus to meet, pray, study and be studied by a few of the more challenging texts from the Word, to share table fellowship and renew our sense of individual and corporate focus.

Who's interested?


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